Friday 27 June 2008

Objective of this blog

Greetings fellow Publishing Dinosaurs.
Well, here we go. My first blog and I start with a great feeling of trepidation. Ah but what the hell; let’s see where it takes us.
This blog is for the benefit of traditional UK publishers – i.e. UK magazine and newspaper publishers who have customarily made their money from publishing regular printed products.
The blog’s sole objective is to answer a burning question – “can traditional UK publishers make considerable money by putting their content on the web?”
It’s a big question because it might decide the future success (or not) of traditional UK publishers.
I hope you will help me to answer this question.
I was at a Digital Asset Management (DAM) conference in London last Thursday/Friday and met an interesting gentlemen by the name of David Cushman. It's David who gave me the inspiration to publish this blog and so to start things off what better than a link to the presentation he gave at the conference. Interesting and food for thought for us Publishing Dinosaurs. Enjoy.

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